Welcome to St Luke’s!

We are a growing church family in St Albans, made up of people of all ages and from a wide range of backgrounds. 

Our services are relaxed and informal, in the inclusive evangelical tradition, combining band-led worship with Bible teaching and groups for children and young people at our main 10am Sunday morning service.

We also have a short, more traditional service of Holy Communion each Tuesday at 11.30am.

We are an inclusive church - absolutely everyone is 100% welcome at St Luke’s, and we have LGBTQ+ people at all levels of leadership in the church.

To watch one of our 10am services, click here.

Scroll down for details of things coming up at St Luke’s, for details of things during the week, and to sign up to our email update.

Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more - we’d love to hear from you!


Alpha at St Luke’s

We're running the Alpha course at St Luke's again in 2025.

Alpha is a great way to find out more about the Christian faith and to get to know some other people at St Luke's. We'll have a meal together, watch a video and then have a chat about it. Everyone is really welcome, whether you're totally new to the whole faith thing, or if you've been in church for decades and fancy a refresher.

Contact Alex for more details

Community Supper at St Luke’s

St Luke’s is partnering with St Albans Community Pantry to provide a community supper each Tuesday evening at 6pm. It’s made with ingredients rescued from nearby supermarkets and restaurants, and is free to attend - you’re welcome to give as much as you feel able to.

Holy Cow

Holy Cow is our Sunday morning Kid’s Church event at St Luke’s Church, St Albans.

Aimed at kids aged 3-10, it takes place every six weeks or so, and includes craft, drama, music, storytelling and games.

Arrive from 9.30am for snacks, and we’ll kick off at 10am.

Our regular morning service for grown-ups happens at the same time from 10am in the main church downstairs.

Kids Church

Every Sunday during our 10am service during term we have a full range of kids’ activities and groups.

St Luke’s Young People

The young people of St Luke’s gather each Wednesday evening at 8pm during term time for chat, games and reflection. Everyone from Y9 to &13 welcome.

Sharing Stories

Sharing Stories is a group of mainly older members of the community who gather on the second Wednesday of the month to chat and eat cake with activities.

Knit and Natter

Every Friday at 10am, we gather to knit and chat.

Bring your craft project along, or just come for a cup of tea and a chat. All welcome!

Tea & Tots

Join us every Wednesday at 10 for chat and play with other mums, dads, grandparents and carers.

Tuesday Communion

Our Tuesday communion is a quieter, more traditional service. It lasts about half an hour with a hymn and takes place at 11.30am each Tuesday after the coffee morning.

Coffee Morning

Every Tuesday at 10am! Join us for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.

Sewing & Craft Days

On a number of Saturdays throughout the year, we fill the lower hall at St Luke’s with our craft projects of all kinds, and we eat lunch together.

Everyone is very welcome.

St Luke’s Friday Cafe

Every Friday during term we gather at 12pm to eat a light lunch together of soup and bread. Everyone welcome.

St Luke’s is replacing two of its fire doors

We’re required by law to make that information available to people, so if you’re interested, you can read all about it here.

Subscribe to our monthly email update

* indicates required

We’re not just a Sunday morning church. Scroll on down for details of things happening on a regular basis during the week at St Luke’s.

Coffee morning

Join us every Tuesday at 10am for coffee, tea and chat. Everyone welcome.

Tea & Tots

Join us between 10am and 11.30am every Wednesday in term time for coffee and chat with other parents, grandparents and carers.

Praying for St Luke’s

Prayer is the heart of all we do. A few of us meet to pray together in church every Tuesday and Friday at 8.30am


Find us

St Luke's Church, 46 Cell Barnes Lane, St Albans, AL1 5QJ

01727 865 399 | office@saint-lukes.co.uk