Mission Support

At St Luke's we aim to develop our mission links beyond the life of our own Christian community, supporting a variety of Christian charities, in the UK and overseas, who spread the gospel through word and deed.

We are building long-term relationships with a small number of organisations known as our primary links. Currently they are:

Hands at Work operates primarily in Southern Africa we support children's work in Msengeni, South Africa. There have been several recent trips by members of St Luke's to Hands at Work in South Africa and Swaziland.

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Viva Network is an international children's charity St Luke’s supports their work in Zimbabwe.

STEP works in local secondary schools sharing the Christian faith through lessons, assemblies, mentoring and supporting Christian Unions.

2:67 Project provides creative and inspiring ways for young people to discover God. Working with St Albans Deanery, it has organised a series of X Site events (hosted by St Luke’s).

In addition  we also support other organisations (secondary links) on a one-off basis and encourage and support individuals seeking to spend time with mission organisations.

Jainagar Trust (supporting the Gorakhpur Nurseries Fellowship Orphanage in India)