Green Christian

Green Christian encourages gentle living on the earth, encouraging one another in discipleship which accepts our impact on God’s creation as a whole. Green Christian are a community of ordinary Christians from all backgrounds and traditions. Inspired by our faith, Green Christian works to care for Creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.

Find out more about Green Christian and find a local group and events, participate in their campaigns and make use their extensive resources.

Get Connected

Would you like to work with us to care for the world as a way of serving God?  We help people understand how environmental issues relate to their faith, and enable them to take the message into their local church communities

What’s most on our minds at the moment is the Climate Emergency but many things we do have fed into this along the way, see our other campaigns. Also see our new study course Radical Presence, a response to Covid 19.

To see what’s happening next Sign-Up for our e-news or visit our What’s On page, we also have many useful Resources  available.

You may wish to become a member and check out our Local Groups (Hope in Action is one of those groups!)

Joy in Enough - a Green Christian project

Joy in Enough is a challenge to Christians in Britain, and an invitation to all people of good will, to join in building a just economy within the ecological limits of the Earth.

Our current economic model is failing both people and planet. The warning lights are flashing red as environmental damage increases, debt and inequality levels rise, and communities and wellbeing are eroded.

We are not powerless in the face of these challenges. A better economic system is possible, one that respects planetary boundaries and puts human needs ahead of profit. We are working towards that fair and sustainable economy, and working with the church to add a Christian voice to the growing calls for change.

Joy in Enough has its own website here. It has many interesting articles and reflections.

The Plenty! course

Plenty! is a new small group discussion resource developed as part of Green Christian’s Joy in Enough project. It’s a six week course designed to get churches talking about and engaging with the Big Issues of climate change and economics.

In 2021, St Peter’s Church, St Albans tested it out in the run-up to COP26.

Here’s what we loved about the course:

It’s unashamedly big picture. Plenty isn’t frightened to explain and explore the economic and cultural underpinnings of climate change, from the economic drive for perpetual growth to the psychology of consumerism. It can be heavyweight in places, and not afraid of controversy in others, but if you’re keen to get stuck in, it definitely delivers.

It’s packed full of excellent content drawn from charities, journalists and academics, from personal stories to new economic theories. The sheer amount can be tricky to navigate in 75 minutes, but it means you can pick the bits which will resonate best with your audience.
It’s biblical and theological too, drawing on two or three Bible passages each week. The biblical reflections are suggested as pre-reads, but we worried they might get overlooked that way, so we made them the basis of a sermon series which ran parallel with the course.
It’s also constructive and hopeful, exploring emerging alternative models for economic growth, and focusing you on action rather than leaving you in a pit of despair.

And it’s currently freely available (although financial contributions are welcomed) so you can check it out and see what you think.

So to conclude, if, like us, you have a hunch that climate change won’t be solved by recycling your newspapers and switching your energy tariff alone, and you want to be more informed and inspired, this is an excellent, if at times demanding way to properly explore the biggest challenge facing the world right now from biblical, cultural and economic perspectives.

We recommend it!

Join Green Christian

If you are ready for practical discipleship and wish to be equipped to witness and inspire change in your church and community, Green Christian is for you.

There are many ways to get involved – bringing Green Christian to your local church or helping us at a national level. In some areas there are local groups  – if there isn’t one near you – perhaps you can start one?