Operation Noah

Operation Noah works with all Christian denominations to support interfaith work on climate change. Their work is informed by the latest science on climate change, its causes, impacts and solutions. The sense of urgency we feel because of the science is balanced by our faith in God and our hope in his future for our world.


Operation Noah believes that the likelihood of runaway global warming raises questions that go to the heart of our Christian faith.

We believe that God’s creation is a gift that we have a duty to care for and that the wellbeing of all creation matters to God. We must repent for the damage we have done to the earth.

We also believe that climate change is about justice, because the poor of the world – those who have done the least to cause it – are already suffering the devastating consequences of the climate crisis. Acting on climate change is about loving our neighbours: that means those in other countries and future generations too.


For Christians, science is a way of understanding what we can of God’s creation, through using experimental methods and drawing inferences from these to the best explanations we can find.

Climate science is still uncertain in the sense that all human knowledge is provisional and open to correction, but climate models have proven to be extremely reliable.

Through research and analysis, we equip Britain’s churches with an understanding of the climate crisis, scientific evidence, and its consequences in economic and political choice.


Hope in God motivates us to take action that can lead to transformation. By God’s power at work within us, God is able to accomplish more than we can ask or imagine.

While facing up to the serious effects of global warming, despair is not an option for Christians. We are called to faith and action in a trusting response to God. As Christians we can live in hope, despite the dangers that threaten us.

In partnership with churches, we build courage in society for necessary decisions to be taken at national and international level. Seeking the grace of the gospel, we proclaim a renewed humanity, set free from unsustainable and dangerous patterns of consumption.

Church Declaration

Climate change and the purposes of God: a call to the Church (also known as the Ash Wednesday Declaration) was written by Operation Noah’s theology think-tank, challenges the church to realise that care for God’s creation – and concern about climate change – is foundational to the Christian gospel and central to the church’s mission.

Download the Declaration (in PDF format).